Change Log1.3
Version 1.3 Changes
Description : Below is a detailed list of changes for this version.
- The parameters hash, source_hash, target_hash, previous_hash, x-filehash and x-unit-hash are no longer case sensitive.
- The response property device_revision was renamed to new_device_revision. The APIs which use this property are: device/empty_trash, device/follow_resource, device/share_resources, device/unfollow_resource, device/unshared_resources, file/delete, file/move, file/copy, file/purge, file/update, file/update_file,folder/copy, folder/create, folder/delete, folder/move, folder/purge, folder/update, upload/instant, user/set_avatar
- The value for response property share_link_enabled changed from 1 and 0 to 'yes' and 'no' in device/get_foreign_resources.
- Parameter allow_duplicate_name renamed to action_on_duplicate and behavior updated for consistency in folder/create.
- Removed deprecated response previous_hash from upload/patch.
- Deprecated response properties max_upload_size and max_instant_upload_size have been removed from user/get_info and user/get_settings.
- Deprecated response property upload_size_limit has been removed from user/get_limits.
- Added the following response to upload/patch: 207 - The uploaded file is not a valid patch file.
- Response for file/get_info modified to include permissions section for files shared to the session user. (Applies to version 1.0 forward)